Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jerry Foster’s You Tube Video Provides Hope & Breath of Fresh Air

It’s very compelling and complementary when you find a blog that is just wishing Plexus Online was focusing on their industry. In Delyan Raychev’s blog today he has explained SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and hopes for our entry into the Higher Education market to relieve this market from the high cost that SAP and Sunguard have driven into it.

Jerry Foster’s YouTube video is referenced in Delyan’s blog as a great example of SaaS and he lists the following as the key bullets from Jerry’s video.
  • SaaS (specifically Plexus Online) promises 99.9 uptime 24/7
  • always "latest and greatest" software for each customer - monthly, daily, hourly updates
  • SaaS is mature - not future but past - Plexus Systems have been providing it for 9 years

Delyan, Plexus Online is dedicated to focusing 100% of our resources on the manufacturing market and has no current plans to change that direction. You’ve provided a compelling call for Plexus Online to help in your industry. Maybe Someday…

You can view Delyan’s entire blog entry HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for noting my short article on SaaS. It is about time for great Software companies like Plexus to take over what many organizations (from manufacturing to higher-ed) are doing very poorly - managing and administering their pre-historic ERP systems.

While for the traditional IT department Plexus is a menace, I can imagine what a blessing it is for the overall company - allowing the organization to focus on its core business and stop sweating over "when the ERP will crash" (because with the current model we know it is a matter of WHEN, not IF).
In conversations with Doug, Dave and Angela from Plexus I realized how much technology and know-how Plexus Systems has invested in order avoid downtime... Which still leaves us (colleges desperate in their search for an academic management systems) drooling over your service.