Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jerry Foster: Plexus Systems: Plan Cache Analysis in SQL Server 2005

Here is a bloggers review of the presentation Jerry did today at the PASS Summit 2007.

In contrast to the Dell presenter, Jerry lit up the room as soon as he got started. This guy was born to teach. This was the first SQL seminar I’ve seen where people burst into spontaneous applause during one of his demos, even before he got to a conclusion.

Jerry and the crew at Plexus Online built a slick system to interpret the dynamic management views for the query plan cache. In a nutshell, his queries make it easy to see where load is coming from down to the batch and statement level, all without running a resource-expensive trace on the production servers.

About five minutes into the session, I knew I wouldn’t bother taking notes because I’d print out the slides and pore over them anyway. I downloaded his code the minute he put the URL up on the projector, and I’m going to spend a week going through it. He didn’t give out the source code for his front end, and I’m torn between building my own in classic ASP (miserable language, but I know it well enough to be dangerous) versus SSRS 2008 (which I don’t know at all, but might do well to learn.)

I’m not even going to try to touch base on everything Jerry discussed. Hard-core database engine DBAs owe it to themselves to go get his samples and pore over them.

I got chuckles out of some of the audience members’ questions, though. One of them started picking out differences between memory allocations on 32-bit versus 64-bit servers, trying to find out how much memory over 4gb his 32-bit servers could use for the plan cache. Hey, buddy, if you have to ask that question, then you need to upgrade to 64-bit. And if your database server isn’t capable of upgrading to 64-bit SQL, but you’re sitting in a seminar about caching, then you’ve got your priorities all wrong.

read more digg story

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